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Sign up for Trul Khor News & Updates
An all new website is launching September 1! Sign up now and get access to a free course on the Nine Breaths of Purification when it launches. The Nine Breaths is a foundational practice of Tibetan Yoga. I'm also launching a course on the five external tsa lung exercises, an amazing practice for starting or ending your day. Finally, a full course teaching sixteen movements of Tibetan yoga will start on October 25th. Sign up below and I (Rob) will let you know when the site launches and the courses are available. Thanks!
Tsa Lung Trul Khor is an ancient practice from the Himalayas, and especially Tibet. Yogis have used these breathing techniques and movements to sustain their physical, mental and spiritual well being for thousands of years! Traditionally kept secret, permission has been given to teach them more openly now in the West. See for yourself how these AMAZING practices can heal your physical body, clear your subtle energy body of obstacles and blockages, and enhance your spiritual well being.
We have both free and paid courses, as well as live classes and workshops to support you on your path.
Rob began studying yoga in 2003 and Tsa Lung Trul Khor in 2009. He has been authorized to teach these practices by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Chaphur Rinpoche, and Alejandro Chaoul. Rob has been sharing these teachings with others since 2015.