Tsa Lung - The External Movements

Tsa Lung” means “channels and winds.” The practices in this course bring us into a deeper awareness of the energies moving within the three main channels and five chakras of the subtle body. Like the Nine Breaths, these practices unite movement of the body, breath retention, concentration and visualization to reduce stress, release tension, focus, and bring more balance, health and vitality to life at every level. Doing so opens us to our inner spaciousness, and facilitates manifesting all the positive qualities that we need in our lives. 

Tibetan Yoga differs from the types of yoga best known in the west. Rather than holding static postures while breathing, or flowing through movements with the breath, Tibetan Yoga employs dynamic movement and breath retention.Specifically, you will learn: 

  • How to use attention and breath to release energetic, physical, emotional and spiritual blockages 

  • The five essential movements of the channels and winds, and modifications for every ability  

  • Fundamentals of the subtle body, the winds and the elements: 

  • Bonus Material 

    • Visualizations that can enhance your practice

    • Variations for four movements

    • 4 downloadable guided practices

      • With full instruction - Slow

      • With minimal instruction - Faster

      • Silent practice

      • Guided practice with Variations

Intended for everyone, from complete beginners to advanced practitioners and yoga teachers, the only prerequisite is the free “Nine Breaths of Purification” Course. If you haven’t taken the course, you will gain access automatically when purchasing the Tsa Lung course.

NOTE: I want to share these practices as widely as possible. If the full price is to much for you, write me and we can work something out.

Tapihritsa Chakras Clouds