Tsa Lung Trul Khor is an ancient practice from the Himalayas, and especially Tibet. Yogis have used these breathing techniques and movements to sustain their physical, mental and spiritual well being for more than a thousand years! Traditionally kept secret, permission has been given to teach them more openly now in the West. See for yourself how these AMAZING practices can heal your physical body, clear your subtle energy body of obstacles and blockages, and enhance your spiritual well being. 

Tsa Lung Trul Khor

"Magical Movements of the Channels & Winds"

Nine Breathings

The Nine Breaths of Purification are among the simplest and the most powerful practices for cleansing the energy body, releasing stress, and clearing the mind. Regardless of experience or physical condition. This practice is the perfect beginning or end to any meditation or yoga practice and can be done at any time. 

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Learn the Nine Breaths!

Tsa Lung

The five Tsa Lung exercises clear the major energy centers, or chakras, of the body, balance with winds, and bring the elements into harmony. These five exercises are more gentle than Trul Khor, but equally capable of clearing negativities and restoring balance and harmony in body, breath and mind. With each movement we gently hold our breath and focus our attention, to bring all the positive qualities to light.   

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Tibetan Yoga / Trul Khor 

Tibetan Yoga (Trul Khor) utilizes dynamic movement, breath retention, and focused awareness to strengthen the subtle and the physical bodies, heal imbalances and restore the free flow of the vital winds so that we can rest and come to know our natural state of being free from elaboration and conceptualization.     


Learn Tibetan Yoga

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions about Tsa Lung Trul Khor, or Tibetan Yoga

Who are these practices for?

The Nine Breaths of Purification and the Tsa Lung movements can be done by anyone, and we mean everyone! The A-Tri Trul Khor as taught here is also good for all levels of experience and ability. Rob has taught to people using wheel chairs, canes, with arms in casts and more. Some of the practices in their fullest expression are demanding, but all of them can be modified to suit your specific situation.

The Zhang Zhung cycle of Trul Khor takes a good bit of flexibility and breath retention and are best for more experienced students with full mobility. 

How do I get started?

Take the FREE Nine Breaths Course now! It is so easy, and so powerful! Once you feel comfortable practicing it, then take the Tsa Lung course. These movements are a natural fit with the Nine Breaths. You might find that this is enough for you - they are a complete practice. But maybe you want to go more deeply into an exploration of how these practices can change you, not only physically, but at an energetic and extremely subtle level. In that case, give our A Tri Trul Khor course a try. 

Included with each course are practice videos for you to use at home. And we offer live classes for those who complete the Tsa Lung and Trul Khor courses and want the support of collective practice. 

How long does it take to see benefits?

It can vary from person to person, but the Nine Breaths can have an immediate impact on our emotional and physical state of being. The same is true for the Tsa Lung and the Trul Khor. But because they take time to learn and grow familiar, with it may take a few weeks of regular practice before the benefits can be felt. 

How is Trul Khor different than other kinds of Yoga?

Trul Khor really works by a different mechanism than the kinds of yoga best known in the west. In yoga, we usually hold static poses for several breaths, or we move the breath with the body, flowing. In Trul Khor we hold the breath and the attention in specific places in the body while dynamically moving the body. Each exercise concludes with a forceful exhalation and clearing movement. The power of the breath and the focus of attention as we move generates heat, or subtle warmth. This starts to clear the energy body. Ultimately, yoga and trul khor have the same goals, but they approach them with different methods. 

A Rain of Blessings

“The magical movements of Trul Khor are more than yoga—they are a blend of body, breath and our inner subtle energy and mind. Rob is an encouraging teacher who has studied these deep subtle practices from the ancient Bon system.”

Professional musician

A Rain of Blessings

“The practice itself is invigorating and balancing, and the effect is profound- like being smoothed out energetically with a brush or a comb from the inside out. Rob’s instructions are clear and straightforward, and his knowledge is advanced. It’s a rare and precious opportunity to be able to learn these “magical” movements - especially here and now - from someone who delivers the system in a way that is almost entirely experiential and immediately impactful.”


A Rain of Blessings

“I have practiced yoga for around 37 years. No practice has affected me more deeply as Tsa Lung Trul Khor. I experience a spontaneous uprising of gentle joy, and clarity. Rob brings his sincerity, devotion, and his own personal practice when he teaches. This helps deepen my own practice. ”


A Rain of Blessings

“My participation for over a year in Rob's Sunday morning Zoom A-tri Trul Khor sessions added sublime depth of experience and insight into the nature of this practice. As the name implies, these movements are indeed " MAGICAL" and lead to a deeper perception of NAKED AWAKENED AWARENESS. Rob is an adept NAGPA. I can not recommend his program strongly enough. ”


Rob is your guide in all of A Rain of Blessings Tibetan Yoga courses and classes. He has studied Tibetan yoga and meditation for over fifteen years, and hatha yoga for twenty. Rob is authorized by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche to teach these practices from the ancient land of Zhang Zhung - Tsa Lung Trul Khor - The Magical Movements of the Channels and Winds. His hope is that the magic they have brought into his life will enter yours!