Why are we doing this? What's our shtick?


Okay, so what's different about what we do that isn't already covered by the thousands or tens of thousands of others teaching yoga in person and/or online?  A few things.

We'll start with what you will immediately experience. Our live Hatha classes are 90 - 95 minutes long. Try to find classes over 60 minutes nowadays! There are some 75 minute classes around but almost no 90 minute classes. Great, long class. That's nice, you say, so what? Well, that gives us time to offer a complete asana pract…

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Welcome to our new (and first) website!


Okay! Today is, more or less (mostly less since we are launching ahead of schedule!) June 04, 2022. The target date of launch for this website. Eileen and I have been talking about going out on our own to teach yoga and mediation since the beginning of covid, and honestly, even before that. In the fall of 2021, we decided we really wanted to do it. It took us until January to commit, and honestly, we had no idea what we had signed up for!

Covid made online yoga and meditation a reality, and we pe…

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